Okay, folks.
I learned two things last week:
You are awesome and thoughtful readers with in-depth questions about real estate development.
You definitely want more content that dives DEEP into the process.
I hear you.
Loud and clear.
When I started this newsletter, I thought we would flit, like sexy hummingbirds, from topic to topic, landing here and there.
But I get so many emails asking me to teach X, Y, or Z I’m pretty sure Gmail is going to start charging me for more storage space.
Am I going to fight it? Heck no. I’m going to roll up my sleeves and give you what you want.
Starting next week, we’re going to pull back the curtain wide on all things ground-up development, from Market Research to Competitor Analysis to Zoning and Land Use to Architect Selection…the list goes on.
If I do it, I’m going to show you how.
And we’re going to do it in a way that’s organized and easy to understand.
But no fluff.
This isn’t Gordon Ramsey showing you how to cook truffled scrambled eggs. This is me showing you how real estate development works.
In detail.
Think of this as a newsletter but also a class.
And a community.
A meet-up.
A maker-space.
Because we ARE going to make something. We’re going to choose a site. Select an architect. We’re going to build a theoretical development right here on Substack with, eventually, drawings and all.
I’m excited. I hope you are, too.
If you haven’t subscribed yet, get in there and subscribe. It will be the best ten bucks a month you’ve ever spent. A paid subscription gives you access to all posts, opens up the comments section, and gives you a platform for all of your developer questions. Invest in yourself. Invest in your curiosity. Invest in this collaboration.
It’s going to be fun. I’m already excited (in case you can’t tell!)
It's on like Donkey Kong💪
New subscriber here! Looking forward to diving deeper into the development process.